Monday, February 9, 2015

Climbing the dizzy heights...

Friday 30th January saw the Cubs and Scouts join together for a joint climbing night.

We all made our way over to Awesome Walls in Stockport for a night of scaling pretend rock faces! With some cubs never having climbed before I'm sure there was some trepidation on the air...

Nathan and Oliver working their way round the traversing wall

...but I don't think they needed  to have worried! Starting off with a warm up the instructors then took them on to thetraversing wall to get them used to the hand grips they would encounter on the climbing walls.

Aleesha starts scaling the walls

Then it was time for the walls!! Whilst mums and dads watched from the safety of the balcony each cub attempted to climb 3 or 4 different levels of climbing wall. Whilst enjoying my coffee I witnessed every single cub who attended try their hardest and their best to scale each wall.

Sam at full stretch

Some climbed higher than others (a large round of applause must go to Max who managed to climb completely to the top of one particular wall) but everybody had a go - and that is the most important part.

Go on Max.... you can do it!!

As it was so successful and everybody seemed to enjoy it, I am sure we will arrange some more climbing in the future.

Assistant Cub Leader
Don't eat the biscuits!!!!!

One cold winter night, the Cubs were given a stack of biscuits, pots of chocolate spread and handfuls of marshmallows. This was not an attempt at the world vomiting record... the cubs were going to produce braille biscuits!

Firstly, each cub was given a braille sheet and asked to write their name in braille - using dots to represent what would be the raised dot. Then the fun began...

Looks sickly to me!

Each cub was then to transfer their braille name on to biscuits. Armed with a spoon, chocolate spread, biscuits and marshmallows they had to spread each biscuit with chocolate spread. They could spread as thinly or thickly as they like dependent on how sick they wanted to feel later! Then they had to place the marshmallows in the correct place on the biscuit (each braille letter is made up of a 6 point grid - so there could be anything from one to six marshmallows on each biscuit which represents each letter).

The finished article... No, I dont know what it says either

Obviously I can hear you saying 'but what if I only had a short name and somebody else had a dead long name - thats not fair!!!!" (cue lots of stamping of feet...). Because of this - those with short names were allowed to do their name twice!

Some seemed to get more on their face than on the biscuit!!

Whilst some wanted to eat their biscuits straight away others chose to save theirs till later. But everybody enjoyed it and I didnt hear of anybody being sick later!

Assistant Cub Leader