Friday, May 23, 2014

Chestnuts roasting on an open fire.....

Well... not chestnuts, but Marshmallows!

Last night (22 May) the Cubs were treated to a demonstration of fire making by Mike and Carl. As well as being shown how to light and build a fire, the Cubs were also told of how to be safe around a campfire (including around the woodpile), what tools they could expect to use in starting a fire (Axe, Bow Saw, Knife etc) and they also learnt the valuable lesson in not standing downwind of the fire... Smoke!

Some of them looked like this!

A bonus of having the open fire was the opportunity for the Cubs to toast Marshmallows over the fire. As well as being a delicious (but sticky) treat this also completed part of their backwoods cooking badge. Most of the marshmallows were toasty brown and gooey in the middle, some were more charcoal black on the outside! But everybody enjoyed it and went home with bits of sticky marshmallow stuck to faces, hands and clothes (sorry parents!). 

Unfortunately I did not manage to get any photographs of the night - which was a shame. But I at least have the memory of one Cub (who shall remain nameless) telling me that it was the best Cub night ever! When I asked why, the answer was "Because I like FIRE!". 
Assistant Cub Leader