Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Macedonia Open day - Saturday 30th June 2012

Sebastian Heywood

Amy Tapper

Macedonia Church were celebrating their 140th year and invited people along to show their pictures of past and present.

The Church were also showing the new plans for the new Church which will be built next door to the cricket club.  It was hard to picture, but Shelia explained it is bigger than she expected.  There is still no date, the plans have been draw up but now there are all the legal aspects.  Sheila will keep us posted.

224th were invited to show what we are about and what we do as a group.

I asked for volunteers and 4 people put their hands up - 3 new Cubs which was great! -  Sebastian, Amy, Lottie and last, but not least, Ben.

We had some banners which we put up and a table full of photographs of what the Cubs had been doing over the last year. 

Ben Smith

Lottie Cunningham

There was a table set up with a PC and a slide show of past and present pictures which brought back some memories for some of our visitors including Keith Booth (Group Scout Leader) for over 40 years.  Pictures were also behind the wall which made people laugh.  John, one of the church members, who was a Cub Leader for many years here asked for copies as some of the pictures had his son on which he has never seen before.

Pictures and PC

PC set up - showing slide show

Unfortunately there were not many visitors, the slide show did however show the new 3 Cubs what we do, camp and district events and they seemed very excited about their new adventures with Cubs.

Wendy Nicholls

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Scouts Navigate through Daisy Nook

Whilst the Scout and Cubs football teams were away conquering the District, the remainder of the troop decided to head out and put their recently acquired Navigation skills into practise.  After celebrating 144 (ish) years of the Macedonia Church, at Church Parade, they decided to step out into the fresh air and take in some of the local countryside in the great British Summer (the wettest since records began!)

With map and compass in hand they set off, leaving the Beavers and leaders in their dust.  Using the 6 figure grid references they recently learnt how to use, they navigated to various points around Daisy Nook Country Park, stopping of course to check out the tyre swing in the park!

Then, given a scenario that the bridge had 'collapsed' in a storm (it hadn't really, but this was to test their navigation skills on the hoof) they headed along an alternative route down to the River Medlock.... now minus it's infamous bridge!

So, they can't go over it, do they go around it, do they go under it..... (you get the picture).  Well, Scouts are a group that are guided to work as a team to overcome obstacles, but on this occasion there was a definite split in ideas. (which was mostly down to the footwear being worn!).

Those with wellies skipped across the stepping stones, carrying young Charlie with them.  Ella decided to take the high road, to avoid the river all together, and Lizzie, being a thoroughbred scout (yet ill prepared by not having any spare clothing) decided to pretty much wade through the flowing river and simply wring her socks out on the other side.  Bear Grylls would have been proud! ;-)

Then for some further navigation, and playing in the river with some giant Labradors (or collecting bits of 'Roman' pottery?) before making our way to the visitors centre, where Ella treated everyone to an ice cream (before their sandwiches!).

Good to see the Beavers putting the leaders to shame with their packed lunch of pasta and fresh strawberries!  Better than cheese sandwiches anyway.

A short stop at the park on the way back, then a trek back to the church, taking in some wildlife on the way back (baby Moore Hen's and a couple of Herons on the canal!).

A good day was had by all and the Scouts earned their Hikes Away 1 badge, and earned part of their Navigation Badge.

Assistant Scout Leader