Almost an Olympian!
We, as a district, were very proud today as our very own District Commissioner took part in the London 2012 Olympic Torch procession. Les Cowell, who is the District Commissioner for the North Manchester and Medvale district which we are part of, was nominated to carry the Olympic Torch. He carried the torch through the streets of Bury on the afternoon of Saturday 23rd June before the torch made its way into the centre of Manchester.
224th Manchester Scout Group have a lot to thank Les for as he took over the reins of the group when our previous long-standing Group Scout Leader, Keith Booth, became ill and could no longer run the group. He organised trying to get the group back up and running and then ran many of the beaver and cub nights until we could get leaders in place.
Over 100 members of the district (including scouts, cubs and leaders) lined the streets of Bury to cheer Les on, and as we waited for the torchbearer to arrive, a chant of 'We Want Les!' could be heard ringing along the A56!
And then the moment arrived! We could see Les trotting his merry way down the road - torch held proudly aloft. The cheers grew louder as Les approached - and he responded with an almost regal-like wave! And then he was passed... off into the distance... to hand the torch to the next torchbearer.
For Les, this was a job well done and probably deserved a celebratory meal and maybe some cold liquid refreshment! Les later told me "I can not believe how emotional this feels! Loved it! huge thanks to everyone who came to watch".
Well done Les - you deserve it!
Assistant Cub Leader
STOP PRESS!!! We will have Les and his Olympic Torch at the Church next Thursday (5th July) from 6 - 8.30pm. Everybody will have the chance to have their photograph taken with the Olympic Torch at the bargain cost of £1 (all monies to Group Funds). So don't forget to bring some extra money and your great big smiles for your photo!!