What a great weekend, and god was looking down on us and decided to give us a whole weekend of nice weather, the rain finally coming down 10 minutes before we left to go home!
The weekend started early for James and Anthony, staying over an extra night to prepare some of the kit, followed by a full day with Wendy and Martin putting up tents.
The Scouts were impeccably well behaved all weekend, and were kind enough to look after some of the younger cubs (some of whom were a little home sick).
The Friday started with an integrated introduction to the weekend, with teams split into their Olympic Countries. Friday night activities included, amongst other things, a competition to produce an Olympic ring collage. I just can't understand why someone would bring glitter for the cubs and scouts to use?! (Let's just say you live and learn..... and I won't be doing that again!)
Phil and Anthony led the group off into the woods for some wide games (attack the base),and everyone enjoyed themselves. There were some ingenious methods of getting to the top (from crawling through the undergrowth, to hiding behind the leaders legs as they walked!)
Friday night and, as per usual, all the cubs were giddy kippers, and it was into the small hours before the last one eventually started to snore.
No rest for the wicked though, and Wendy was round the tents at the crack of dawn (banging the spoon and pan!) and everyone was up, bright eyed and bushy tailed (of a fashion!).
The Scouts started to explore the sight and commenced some pioneering projects for all to use throughout the weekend. These included a Washing-up stand (complete with bowl and drying board!), a separate water bowl, cooking tripod to heat water, erected the mess tent and..... lit the weekend fire! This fire was to be the focus of attention for the majority of the Scouts, and they did a sterling job of keeping lit all weekend (well, almost). The cubs were like fireflies around their projects, and the Scouts did everyone proud by maintaining a clean and safe camp fire site.
The BBQ was lit and The Scouts (well, Scout leaders, as the Scouts were more interested in erecting some tyre swings - which turned out to be a great feature and very sturdy! Well done) commenced with cooking the burgers.
The cubs assisted by trying to get horse chestnuts (which compromised throwing sticks, shoes and even Callum up the tree to get some conkers down!)
Saturday night and, after an excellent sing-along campfire, the scouts ensued on a night time hike. Very enjoyable, ducking under the colony of bats and overcoming the steep hill climbs, being rewarded with hot-chocolate and toasted marshmallows! yum (once they had cooled!)
Saturday evening was a complete opposite, with most of the cubs falling asleep at the tables. I've never seen them so quiet! ( a job well done I say).
Sunday was another cracking day. Started a bit glum by having to take some of the camp down, but another hike with Phil and Anthony, followed by some Orienteering, topped off a great weekend!
We did feedback last night, and some of the comments of 'awesome' and 'great' show that it was worth all the hard work. (I don't think I agree with the comments about the food being yuk? That was the finest corned beef hash I've ever tasted!)
Looking forward to the next camp!